It is all about community
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The Rissington School is a friendly, vibrant school set in the picturesque Cotswold villages of Great Rissington and Upper Rissington. We cater for children from 3 to 11 years of age and currently have 257 children on roll, who are taught in either the Victorian building in Great Rissington or the newly completed building in the developing area of Upper Rissington, our before and after school provision, 'Rascal' offers childcare to support our families. 'Chipmunks', a provision for pre-school learners, which welcomes youngsters from the term after they reach their third birthday, is on the Upper Rissington site.
Head Teacher: Sue Dawe
Chair of the School Governors: Tim Fox
Phone: 01451 820857
Email: dotadmintaatgreatrissingtondtdtgloucsdtdtschdtdtuk
CLICK HERE to visit the website
Great Rissington Club open every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 4.30pm and from 12 noon on Sundays. Why not pop in for a drink and catch up with friends?
The Club is also the venue for Film Nights, Sunday Lunches, Quiz Nights, Dinners, Wine Tasting, Many Club and Society Meetings, Parish Council Meetings and so much more.
It is the home of Great Rissingtion Cricket and the Great Rissington Archers.
Available for Private Hire.
Club Chairman: Richard Cleverley
Phone: 01451-820129
Treasurer: Bridget Cullimore
Phone: 01451 820968
The restaurant is furnished in a comfortable country style, attractive for lunches, candle lit and romantic for the evening. With fresh flowers in summer and a lovely real log burner in the winter, the restaurant also displays a collection of antique and incomprehensible rustic implements. Food served: Monday & Tuesday 17:00-21:00, Wednesday to Friday 12:00-14:30 & 18:00-21:00, Saturday all day 12:00-2100, Sunday all day 12:00-20:00
The Lamb Inn's bar has a fantastic Country Inn atmosphere which is infectious to say the least. There is a good local crowd and the bar is a great place to relax, have a pint of one of the many Real Ales available and while away an hour...or two! Bar Times: Monday & Tuesday 14:00-23:00, Wednesday to Saturday 12:00 -23:00, Sunday 12:00-22:00
Landlord: Paul Gabriel
Phone: 01451 820388
Email: dotenquirytaatthelambinndtdtmockabe
CLICK HERE to visit the website
The Club's normal shooting times are on Wednesday evenings from about 6.15pm and Saturday mornings from about 10.00am, weather permitting.
CLICK HERE to visit the website
Email: dotgrarcheryclubtaatliamgdtdtmockabe
We are a friendly and welcoming village cricket club founded in 1961 situated high on the Cotswold hills overlooking the Windrush valley with wonderful facilities and excellent wicket and ground. We are Clubmark accredited and also have GCB Focus Club status.
Club Secretary: Dave Morgan
Email: dotdavetaatgrcc-cricketdtdtcodtdtuk
CLICK HERE to visit the website
Homemade Cakes - Books - Bric-a-Brac - Raffle - Cards - Handmade Crafts - Refreshments -Plants & Garden Produce (when available)
To make donations towards any of the regular stalls, or would like to offer your help.....
Contact : Jackie Palmer
Email: jpalmer45ATbtinternetOTHEREND
Rector: Rev. Rowena King
Email: revrowenaATgmailEND
Phone: 01451 821282
Associate Priest: Nina Summerfield
Email: revd.ninaATsummerfieldrissingtonGB
Phone: 01451 810309
Church Warden: Sheila Jesson
Email: churchwardenstjohns21ATgmailEND
Phone: 01451 820395
P.C.C. Secretary: Janne Bishop
Phone: 01451 821216
Friends of St John the Baptist Building Trust: Dennis Clark
Phone: 07831 251850
CLICK HERE to visit the web page
Contact:Andrew Fleming
Email: Andrew Fleming
CLICK HERE for the report on the last meeting
Membership Secretary: Janet Turnbull
Email: dotjaneteturnbulltaatliamgdtdtmockabe
The History Society was formed 14th October 1992 in Great Rissington through the efforts of Norman Good.
The original aims of the society were: -
1: To provide a means of gathering information about the past and present in the Rissingtons area.
2: To give folk from the area an opportunity of meeting together over matters of common interest.
3: To provide opportunities for social gathering.
In the society's 30th year, those core values are as true today as they were at the beginning.
We meet for talks 6 times per year and conduct visits 3 times per year.
CLICK HERE for details of the next meeting
Chair: Kate O'Brien
Email: information.RLHSATgmailEND
Deputy Chair: Sue Brown
CLICK HERE to visit the web page
News Editor: Gemina Plater
Phone 01451 605005
Email: dotgreatrissnewstaatliamgdtdtmockabe
Sheila Jesson or Philippa Mitchell
'The Other Book Club' meet on a Tuesday evening, once a month. This group is more casual and less serious than most book groups. We have general discussions, usually sparked by current events or the books we have been reading. We all take turns in hosting. All newcomers are welcome.
Contact: Nicky Clark
Email: nicolaclark14ATliveOTHEREND
An informal group with bikes, who get together, usually on a Thursday evening and do a 20 to 30 mile on/off road Cotswold circuit, starting and ending at the Great Rissington Club and a refeshing cold one. It's an eclectic mix of pedal-power and ebikes, from the classic 'Call-the-Midwife' style, with optional front wicker basket, up to some pretty serious, but under challenged off-road kit. During the summer they will do the seasonal all day event and last year managed a stunning 3 days on the Alfred Way. All very welcome.
Email: clive.billingATgreatrissingtonPLC
Meeting on the first Wednesday of each month at Little Rissington Village Hall 7.30pm. We enjoy a wonderful Garden Party in July, a walk and supper (of course) and a Christmas celebration meal (usually in the New Year!) One year one of our (2) quiz teams got to the second round of the local group WI quiz! We plan to enter again this year!
The WI plays a unique role in providing women with educational opportunities and the chance to build new skills, to take part in a wide variety of activities and to campaign on issues that matter to them and their communities.
About the G.R.R.S.C.F
If you have ideas, thoughts, wishes, comment or special requirements email allgoodATgreatrissingtonPLC
Things to do in Bourton-on-the-Water
Fishing in Bourton-on-the-Water
Local trades people and professionals are invited to promote their business or service on the site.
There is no charge and the listings can include links to your own website, if you have one.
All we need is an image, that could be you or examples of your work, your contact details and/or web site.
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Please call 999 for emergency assistance before contacting any of our first aid responders. If you are alone and need help to collect a defibrillator, then please call one of our volunteers.
Defibrillators are held at